Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease and often most difficult for those left behind as memories slowly fade away over what is often a 8-12 year journey.
The Alzheimer’s Association Colorado Chapter is a safe haven for those diagnosed with the disease and for those who provide their care, mostly at home. For over 25 years, the organization’s mission has been to help individuals and family members understand the changes that Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia bring while offering new ways to cope as well as create a comfortable life for the person with a diagnosis. When the Association created its Memories in the Making art program in day programs and care facilities across the state, it was clear that painting every week provided those with memory loss a place to feel a sense of purpose, to socialize with others, and engagement in an activity that keeps brain cells firing.
Soon staff at the Association realized the watercolors and the stories they represented offered a unique way to honor lives well lived and to support the work of the organization. The annual art auction not only increases awareness for the programs and services offered at no cost by the Colorado Chapter but also provides guests the opportunity to learn more about the disease and the lives of the Memories in the Making artists who create the beautiful watercolors on display each year. Each year after selecting watercolors from area Memories in the Making programs, volunteers gather donated art from local professional artists. Many of the watercolors created by those with dementia and featured in the auction are then paired with a professional work of an art. These professionals select a watercolor that somehow speaks to them with its subject, color or line. At the auction, the paintings are hung side by side in both the silent and live auction. The memories shared through these wonderful watercolors are cherished by family members who often attend the event to bid on the art of a loved one.
As usual many of Denver’s finest artists stepped up to the plate to donate their works, some of whom have a very personal connection to the disease. Among the artists who donated were Madeleine O’Connell, Cheryl St. John, Marin Dobson, Jean Shom, Duke Beardsley, Roxanne Rossi, Tammi Otis, Margaretta Caesar, John Fielder, Martin Lambuth and Lisa Hut.
The evening began with cocktails and the silent auction along with a preview of the evening’s live auction selections. One of the most popular items is the array of wooden artist’s palettes that are also created and donated by local artists. These are always a highlight, as the artist truly goes above and beyond canvas. I especially love to view the palettes first. Every year these creative works bring in a good percentage of the proceeds donated to the Alzheimer’s Association.
The evening was capped by a live auction emceed by Kim Christensen, 9News and led by professional auctioneers Chuck and Bryson Miller.
The Alzheimer’s Association Colorado Chapter is the premier source of information and support for the more than 63,000 Coloradoans with Alzheimer’s disease, and the more than 229,000 family caregivers. Through its statewide network of offices, the Alzheimer’s Association offers education, counseling, support groups, Medic Alert® + Alzheimer’s Association Safe Return® and a 24- hour Helpline, at no cost to families. Families throughout the state have access to support services through regional offices in Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, Durango, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, and Greeley.
For more information call 800.272.3900 or go to their web page www.alz.org/co