A dedicated crowd of 150 golfers, fundraisers and other supporters enjoyed a round of golf at Evergreen’s Hiwan Golf Club, August 12 for the 20th Annual LFS Golf Classic luncheon.
The organization provides a wide array of social services for elderly caregiver services, parenting classes, adoption and support for recent refugees. Now celebrating 65 years of service to the Denver Metro region, LFS sponsors one of the largest refugee resettlement programs in the West including 75 youth in foster and refugee care.
The awards luncheon featured silent and live auctions for the crowd who began the day with a 7:30 a.m. shotgun start bright and early on a Monday. President and CEO Jim Barclay thanked donors and updated the crowd on emerging programs and organizational priorities. Later, LFS Board Chair Keith LaShier introduced a special guest and relative newcomer to Colorado who helped with emcee duties throughout the afternoon. 9News meteorologist Danielle Grant arrived from Spokane, Washington to Denver in May to support the KUSA-TV news team.
Thanks to enthusiastic prodding from LaShier and Grant, the live auction attracted aggressive bids including a golf putter donated by Arnold Palmer and a chance to race a supercharged sports car (Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche or Audi) with photo and video package.
Established in 1948, LFS continues to grow and expand its social service programs. LFS presents its next fundraiser in Colorado Springs when they host the Innkeeper Dinner, September 26 at the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. For more information please call 303-922-3433 or visit their web site at www.lfsco.org.
- Wendy Coffman described her personal experiences with LFS
- LFS Communications & Development Manager Wendy Coffman addresses supporters
- Walt Meyer, Bruce Stokes, Jim Hallstrom, Dick Watkins
- Steve Wasstrom, Judy Leidy, Ralph Morgenweck
- Steve Sinner and Dick Weber
- Stan Flickenger, Rick Gitautis, Paul McGowan, David Clonts,
- Viewing silent auction items
- Shane Wischer, Keith LaShier, Danielle Grant, Rick Versen, Patrick Holland
- Ryan Savier, Travis Antony, Tyler Lee
- Arnold Palmer’s putter up for bid
- Ralph Morgenweck, Robin Whitelaw, John Mitchell
- Doug Phelps, Lori Wilson, Steve Wilson
- Roxanne Segredo, Sandy Mossman, Kathy Carroll, Sue Boettcher
- Jacque LaShier, Jane Meehan Pope, Donna Stratford, Wendy Coffman
- Specialty hot sauce for the event
- Hiwan Golf Club in Evergreen provided a great venue
- Hiwan Golf Club hosted the event
- David Puchi, Todd Laurie, Casey Tynan, James O’Brien
- Dana Johnson, Caleb Barclay
- Danielle Grant, Danette Goldhammer, Keith LaShier
- Bob Norrgard, Jake Wuest, Tyler Lee
- Silent auction items
- Golfer donors feast on a diverse buffett
- Established in 1948, LFS continues to grow
- LFS celebrating 65 Years of Services
- Relaxing after a long day of golf
- Jan Burmeister, Cheryl Porter, Mike Porter, Glen Burmeister
- President/CEO Jim Barclay
- Keith LaShier and Rick Versen
- Buffet for hungry golfers
- 9News Meteorologist Danielle Grant with Keith LaShier