One thing we learned at Cableland Home Foundation’s First Spouses Recognition reception? Being a Denver Mayoral First Lady ain’t all glitz and glam. Instead, it’s a combination of hard work, a demanding schedule, providing constant, positive support for the mayor…and sometimes being on the receiving end of rude, unkind comments from the public. One thing we were impressed by? The unveiling of the sparkling new First Spouses Wall, a tribute to all of Denver’s First Ladies—with room for future First Gentlemen as well. The installation is made up of a plaque, biography and photo of each of the 42 Denver Mayoral Spouses. Smiling First Lady Mary Louise Lee was front and center to see her vision come to fruition.

Current Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (left), with former Mayor Wellington Webb
On Tuesday, June 20, about 100 invited supporters converged on Cableland, the official residence of the Mayor of Denver, to celebrate the unveiling of the historic First Spouses Wall. In a festive atmosphere, Two Sistahs Eats created a light buffet and passed hors d’oeurvres, as well as three commemorative cakes to honor the occasion. Reception music was provided by The Daniella Katzir Band, and guests received a special First Spouses coin as a keepsake, with a female silhouette on one side, male on the other…looking ahead to future First Gentlemen.
The event marked the first time five First Ladies have appeared at one event for a public audience. Those attending were: Ellen Hart Pena (Mayor Federico Pena, 1983-91), Wilma Webb (Mayor Wellington Webb, 1991-2003), Helen Thorpe (Mayor John Hickenlooper, 2003-11…current U.S. Senator), Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa (Mayor Guillermo “Bill” Vida, 2011), and Mary Louise Lee (Mayor Michael Hancock, 2011-2023). Mayors Webb and Hancock also attended the celebration. Addressing the crowd: Jay Finesilver, Cableland Foundation board; LaTonya Lacy, Cableland Foundation board and Mayor’s Office Deputy Chief of Staff; Mayor Michael Hancock and Mary Louise Lee.

One side of the special, commemorative coin
The Cableland Home Foundation writes: “In our planning and discussions related to the City of Denver First Spousal Wall…we have tried to take a forward-thinking approach in terms of who might be a first spouse. We drafted logos which represented both genders, thinking at some point in Denver’s future, both might be represented as first spouses. We wanted to be completely mindful of the significant contributions of the service and profound impact of the first spouses to date, and we honor all their collective contributions to the growth and vibrancy of our great City…They all have made a huge difference, both during their terms, thereafter and historically. We salute and celebrate them all.”
- First Lady Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa (top, purple dress), with her family
- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock and First Lady honoree Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa
- Tiffany Levias-Dawson and Robert “Bobby” King
- Mary Louise Lee (left), with WIlma Webb
- Three cakes mark the occasion.
- Mayor Wellington Webb (1991-2003) and First Lady Wilma Webb
- Current Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (left), with former Mayor Wellington Webb
- A table of friends
- Kelly Brough (center), with Wellington and Wilma Webb
- Arlene and Barry Hirschfeld, with Mary Louise Lee (right)
- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (left), with Jay Finesilver, Cableland Home Foundation chair and event co-chair
- Jay Finesilver and former First Lady Helen Thorpe
- At the reception
- Tom Migaki and Stephanie O’Malley
- A guest explores more history walls at Cableland.
- (l to r): Board member Happy Haynes, Anna Jo Haynes, Tom Migaki
- (l to r): Carla Ladd, Lequita Taylor, Sondra Young
- Frank and Minako Penn
- (l to r): Joy Power, Heather Smith, Alexis Porter
- Wilma Webb (second from left), with fellow Delta Sigma Theta alums, sisters for life
- (l to r): Mary Louise Lee, Helen Thorpe, Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa
- (l to r): Wilma Webb, Mary Louise Lee, Helen Thorpe, Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa, Ellen Hart Pena
- The City of Denver First Spouses Wall, ready for the ribbon-cutting
- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock
- Mary Louise Lee
- Honoree First Ladies and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock prepare for the grand ribbon-cutting.
- Moments after the ribbon-cutting
- Five honored Denver First Ladies (l to r): Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa, Ellen Hart Pena, Wilma Webb, Mary Louise Lee and Helen Thorpe
- Lots of anticipation at the cake-cutting ceremony
- Denver’s First Ladies at the cake-cutting ceremony
- The First Ladies with the cake designer
- First Lady Helen Thorpe hugs friend Regina Jackson (right)
- First Lady Helen Thorpe (left) and Regina Jackson
- First Lady Ellen Hart Pena (left), with board member LaTonya Lacy, of the Mayor’s Office
- Kenneth Gerdine and Sonja Scott-Gerdine
- (l to r): Tim Litherland, John Deffenbaugh, David Westman
- Cece and Tim Litherland
- LaTonya Lacy, Deputy Chief of Staff, always on call.
- Paula and Mike Talamantes
- Mary Louise Lee, Wilma Webb
- Family members of First Lady Gabriela Cornejo-Figueroa
- Volunteers Daniel Lange (left) and Max Roybal
- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (center), with committee members
- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (right), congratulates the Denver First Spouses Wall designer
- This very nice bartender provided a quart of delicious nonalcoholic punch “to go” for a thirsty guest.
- Former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb (third from left), with committee members and volunteers
- Denver Mayor Michael Hancock (center), with committee members
- First Lady Mary Louise Lee, Spousal Wall visionary (left), with Mayor’s Office Deputy Chief of Staff LaTonya Lacy
- One side of the special, commemorative coin