One of the team members from Operation Walk Denver said humbly, “Sometimes people cross your path who have such endurance, such strength and perseverance….it’s impossible not to feel small.”

Operation Walk surgeons, nurses, therapists, volunteers and supporters often give up their vacation time to join the mission trips to help those in desperate need of medical care in places like Panama, Guatemala and Honduras. A simple thing like walking can be overwhelming if a person has a medical condition or is in a third world country or financial dilemma where there is no help.

Operation Walk Denver is in its 11th year, and hundreds of patients’ lives have been touched during the 16 mission trips; In the past three years, the Denver chapter has performed 47 free hip and knee replacements through their partnership with Operation Walk USA.

The “Walk of Dreams” gala highlighted the successes and challenges that were overcome to make such a difference in people’s lives–humble, grateful people who believed that they would have to spend the rest of their lives crippled because there was no hope or no way out, until Operation Walk came along. Dr. Douglas Dennis and his mission teammates talked about their experiences in helping people who were in such pain that walking after surgery seemed easy. Patients were people who never complained and who kept on caring for their families the best they could, but struggled to even get out of a chair. One man had to crawl down 10 stairs just to get to his bathroom. Every single one of these people may have been poor, but what they didn’t have in material possessions, they made up for with pride. They are people who promised to pray for the angels that presented them with a miracle and let them walk again.

The passion and commitment of the Operation Walk Denver team is incredible. The energy in the room at the Hyatt Regency Tech Center Saturday night was palatable. The humility and grace with which all of these professionals give to other human beings is unparalleled.

There’s no question, the Operation Walk Denver crew members are not “small.” They’re giants.

To find out more about Operation Walk Denver and how you can help, log on to

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Blacktie Colorado