Carrie Nolan, President of the Colorado-Wyoming MS Chapter, gave a passionate plea to supporters on Wednesday at the annual MS fundraiser luncheon. She encouraged the medical world to help find a cause for MS and, create more therapies that assist people living with the disease.

Did you know that Colorado has one of the highest incidences of MS? And, did you know there is still no definitive cause for the disease?

Supporters gather every year to raise funds for research into the cause of MS. Today there are eleven therapies (drugs) to help those living with MS. The drugs, help them to cope with daily life and, to help stop the progression of the disease.

Keynote speaker Kristie Salerno Kent was diagnosed with MS in 1999. The symptoms were obvious to her, yet she hid them. Eventually she felt the need to abandon her acting career in order to cover the growing evidence she knew to be MS. When she allowed herself to face her reality, the MS disease became her creative guide. She has recorded and produced a solo album, “Believe,” and has also produced and directed a short documentary, “The Show Must Go On.” By putting her disease out front she knew she could help others understand the emotions and physical symptoms associated with living with MS.

Every year, the keynote speakers at the MS On the Move Luncheon give a moving and personal account of their journey living with MS. These people seem to be luckier than some because, they have found success in drug therapies while seemingly, living productive, though difficult daily lives. To the unknown eye, many appear as vibrant and capable as anyone not suffering the progressive and dreaded MS diagnosis. They are a true testament to the therapies already in place discovered through national research.

The MS fundraiser is, each year, well organized with a roster of professional presenters. The program is designed to begin and end with professional workers in mind, giving them ample time to get back to work and finish out the day. Supporters of the Colorado-Wyoming MS Society appear to swell each year as the On the Move fundraiser is the driving force for research throughout the year. It is well known that few of us are immune to the disease and most everyone knows someone who has been diagnosed with MS.

Dick and Robin Kelly received the 2014 MS Spirit Award for their tireless community efforts. Always philanthropically active, in 2006 Robin was diagnosed with MS. This gave them the impetus to find ways to improve the quality of life for people living with MS.  Both currently serve as co-chairs of Can Do Multiple Sclerosis. Together with hundreds of supporters for people living with MS, the Kelly’s hope to accomplish the goals of the National MS Society: Stop MS, help restore function to those diagnosed with MS and end MS. Most of all they hope to define MS as a  –  Mystery Solved.

To become involved in the fight against MS, please contact: or call 1-800-FIGHT-MS (344-4867).

In Denver they are located at 900 S. Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, CO 80209

Join the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the National MS Society. Help raise awareness and funds to provide services and support for the 100,000 people in Colorado and Wyoming affected by multiple sclerosis.

Blacktie Colorado
Blacktie Colorado