Gala24 for Rocky Mountain MS Center was full of dedicated people with stories of inspiration and hope, and a prevailing theme of community—not only for those who battle MS, but everyone surrounding them. In the mix of this always uplifting event was 2024 gala chair BJ Dyer. If you’re new to Denver’s nonprofit world, he is renowned for his exquisite work providing florals for a spectrum of fundraisers. BJ will tell you that even as he assisted with this particular event as a vendor over the years, he did so knowing people with MS and other neurological afflictions. He was impressed with the staff and the center, and eventually began volunteering on RMMSC gala committees, learning more and more about its services, research and the affliction itself. His chair position this year evolved quite organically…not unlike a flower. A wise choice for gala chair, BJ gravitates to people and eloquently represents Rocky Mountain MS Center with passion and dedication.

Sponsors (l to r): Suzanne and Steve Hickox, with Lyn and Dr. Michael Schaffer

On Saturday, Sept. 7, almost 500 people gathered at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel to support the Center and its community of people. The evening began with a cocktail reception and silent auction before guests adjourned to the ballroom for a dinner program emceed by recently retired TV weather icon Ed Greene. Those who spoke to the crowd: Board chair Erica Tarpey; BJ Dyer; CEO Gina Hensrud; Medical Director John Corboy, M.D.; and MS Center educator and advocate Elissa Berlinger. Guests supported the live auction conducted by Gary Corbett and the evening ended with dancing music provided by appropriately named band Thumpin’ and a round of casino games.

Kerri Cechovic and emcee Ed Greene

Money raised at RMMSC’s gala stays in Colorado supporting the state’s largest center providing comprehensive multiple sclerosis care, support, education and research, and individuals and families living with MS and related neurological disorders. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive and unpredictable disease of the central nervous system that disrupts communication between the brain and other parts of the body.The Center writes: “Thanks to the generous support of our community, the Rocky Mountain MS Center has created a world-leading model for treating patients and families living with MS, no matter where they are on their MS journey. Our dedicated community has sustained us into our fourth decade of service, and is vital to the continued success of our mission.” To learn more, go to

Blacktie Colorado
Blacktie Colorado