Cute puppies, a comedy show…and a prince? Comics 4 Critters knocked it out of the park with a Gotta Love It trifecta in its inaugural fundraiser for the Zoology Foundation and Animal Aid USA. Who says Tuesday nights are boring? On Nov. 15, more than 100 animal lovers made a beeline to Comedy Works South for an event that included a lively cocktail reception with puppies and a prince, auction items, tasty bites (that’s food, not puppy nips!), and heartwarming animal-rescue stories complemented by hearty laughter.

Sarah Bushong-Weeks chats with friends
The evening began with adult beverages, a silent auction, and photo opps with rescue puppies and animal advocate/“The Bachelor” personality Prince Lorenzo Borghese. Guests adjourned to the showroom for supper favorites ordered off the menu, and comedian-emcee Geoff Young entertained with a spirited comedy set. Animal Aid USA co-founders Borghese and Karen Talbot talked about the organization’s beginnings and its concentrated rescue efforts and successes. A short video detailed the Zoology Foundation’s SBW Rapid Response Rescue program and animal sanctuary near Larkspur, and benefactor Sarah Bushong-Weeks was recognized onstage for her support. Young presided over a live auction, and event chair Sarah Tredennick and committee member/volunteer Elizabeth Baker were honored onstage for their hard work. The evening ended with lots of laughs from Denver-based comic Pam VanNostern, followed by headliner Brad Upton.

Comics inspired laughs like this all evening.
The Zoology Foundation’s mission is to promote and facilitate educational programs regarding animal respect and welfare, and to support those organizations that work for the betterment of animals. Its animal sanctuary is a safe haven for rescued and rehabilitated animals, and tours are offered for children and adults to learn about and engage with the various species there. Animal sponsorships directly benefit the care of a chosen animal and its friends. Legacy donors underwrite programs and they become an integral team member of the foundation. With more than 100 animals at the sanctuary, volunteer opportunities are available as well. Every donation, 100 percent, goes directly to the care of sanctuary animals and to many more across the nation who need a second chance. To learn more, please visit ZoologyFoundation.org, or for information on how Zoology Foundation can enhance your life or your event, contact Executive Director Valerie Young at VYoung@ZoologyFoundation.org.

Rebecca Crofoot and Scotter
Created in January of 2012 by a small group of animal lovers, Animal Aid USA is a 100-percent volunteer organization dedicated to helping animals. Through its rescue-and-relocation model, the organization has created a lifeline for unwanted, abused and abandoned animals in the southern states while also helping animals and their families in home communities. Each month, volunteers drive more than 1,600 miles from New Jersey to Georgia and back in order to relocate animals from high-kill shelters to receiving rescues and homes. To date, the organization has rescued and provided veterinary care to more than 14,000 pets. In addition, Animal Aid USA raises money to fund spay and neuter programs in low-income communities and raise awareness of the legal animal cruelties happening daily in the United States–such as the gas chamber, cardiac heart stick euthanasia and puppy mills. The members of Animal Aid USA believe that providing the proper education and resources can change the future of unwanted, abused and abandoned animals. To learn more, please visit: AnimalAidUSA.org.
- Animal Aid USA co-founder Prince Lorenzo Borghese, holds a lovable rescue pup.
- Reps from sponsors Rose’s Bella Cucina and The Mutt Master
- Daniel Juegs and Gaye Barrett
- Daniel Juegs and event chair Sarah Tredennick
- Emcee, comedian and Zoology Foundation ambassador Geoff Young and Executive Director Valerie Young
- Rob and Joan Garcia
- (l to r): Stefanie Palko, Nancy Trangmar, Stefanie Pahlakan, Kim Hutchins, Tracy Rains and Mary Bergas
- Sharon Burnett, with rescue puppy Miss Pickles
- Putting in bids at the silent auction
- Al Summers and Jayna Cantrell
- Elizabeth Baker and Adam Ortiz
- Ben Saggau, Toni Oakes and Kellen Skersies
- Dana Nieto Crofoot with a very cute rescue pup
- Rebecca Crofoot and Scotter
- (l to r): Dana Nieto, Sophia Taylor, Deb Sheppard and Animal Aid USA co-founder Karen Talbot took turns holding this adorable rescue puppy.
- (l to r): Ann and Russ Frasher, committee member Suzy Sweitzer and Lynn Stubbart
- The cocktail reception and silent auction also featured photo opps with Prince Lorenzo Borghese and rescue puppies.
- (l to r): Jennifer Edwards, Kurt Holzbelein, Roger King and Deb Nabb, from sponsor Mutt Master
- (l to r): Lou and Vicki Fine, David Wanjiru and Lauren Fine
- Event chair Sarah Tredennick (left), with Zoology Foundation’s SBW Rapid Response Rescue benefactor Sarah Bushong-Weeks
- Reps from sponsor Run Amok Transportation at the reception
- Trish Armstrong (left) and Kelly Bolen
- (l to r): Brian Young, Dre, and David and Jodi Young
- (l to r): Brian Young, Amy Kehoe, Dre, and David and Jodi Young
- Chuck Woodall and Kelly Bloom
- Misha Sheppard and Meghann Norris
- Front-row seats for the show
- Ready for the show!
- Emma McDonald (left) and Shery McDonald-Galbreath
- Guests enjoy food and beverages as they await the start of the show.
- Emcee, comedian and Zoology Foundation ambassador Geoff Young
- Enjoying the show
- Applause for the good works of Zoology Foundation and Animal Aid USA
- Prince Lorenzo Borghese
- A standing ovation for a high bid at the live auction
- Event chair Sarah Tredennick and Prince Lorenzo Borghese, co-founder of Animal Aid USA.
- Red roses are a natural for Prince Lorenzo Borghese, who gained fame on ABC’s “The Bachelor.”
- Event co-chair Sarah Tredennick (center) and committee member Elizabeth Baker are honored onstage with bouquets from Prince Lorenzo Borghese.
- Denver comic Pam VanNostern
- Comics inspired laughs like this all evening.
- Geoff Young calls Sarah Bushong-Weeks, SBW Rapid Response Rescue benefactor, onstage to be recognized.
- Sarah Bushong-Weeks and Prince Lorenzo Borghese
- Headliner Brad Upton
- Diane Lesher’s lively group
- Geoff Young and Jodi Young
- Sarah Bushong-Weeks chats with friends
- Zoology Foundation and Animal Aid USA supporters and friends
- “Friends of Geoff and Val”
- Co-founders of Animal Aid USA: Karen Talbot and Prince Lorenzo Borghese