With so much in the news about the border between the United States and Mexico, it’s refreshing to be reminded that there is so much more to the story.

And who better to impart thoughts about the wonderful partnership between the US and Mexico than H.E. Ambassador of Mexico, Esteban Moctezuma Barragan. The Ambassador visited Colorado as part of an initiative from the Colorado Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and eloquently spoke of the camaraderie between the countries in everything from trade and manufacturing to security to tourism and everything in between.

“Our relationship between our countries is often spoken of in terms of a partnership, but it’s actually like being roommates,” the Ambassador quipped. We are very close and have a very fluid relationship. Supporters, VIPs and community leaders attended the reception and dinner in Cherry Creek, coordinated by the Colorado Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

The Ambassador, his wife Cecilia Barbara Morfin and Mexican Consul General Pavel Melendez chatted with guests, with smiles, eye twinkles and good times presiding. The evening culminated with a special dinner put together by some of Denver’s top notch chefs. The evening couldn’t have been a better portrayal of the positive bonding between our countries.

Blacktie Colorado
Blacktie Colorado