The guys were “Mad Men” cool, while the women exuded Jackie Kennedy style. But no matter what they wore, this group loves parties, so it was a given that everyone had a great time at the 12th annual Excellence in Construction Awards. Host organization Rocky Mountain Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABCRMC), was “Mad for EIC” with a 1960s theme that was carried out through the entire evening at the Four Seasons Hotel Denver on Friday, Oct. 18.
Around 200 began the evening with smooth piano music at the martini-focused cocktail reception, before guests adjourned to the ballroom for a sumptuous sit-down dinner. Award judges in attendance were recognized on stage, with Brad Tonkin, Bruce Mauner, Kelly Hedlund and Michael Wisneski accepting tokens of appreciation for their hard work. President and CEO Mark Latimer spoke to the group, Director of Member Services Brett McCann announced new members and honorees, while board president Jeff Erker presented each award. The 1960s fun continued as a Marilyn Monroe lookalike made an appearance on stage inviting everyone to the after party at EDGE Restaurant’s bar.
The ABCRMC awards competition is patterned after ABC National’s EIC program, and is the first step to compete at the national level. This year’s honorees:
Excellence Winners
Douglass Colony Group, Castle Rock Adventist Hospital, Other Specialty Construction: Less than $10 million;
Douglass Colony Group, DaVita World Headquarters, Exteriors;
Greiner Electric,LLC, Colorado Academy Upper School, Electrical: Commercial: Less than $2 million;
LEI Companies, Inc., FasTracks West Corridor Stations and Parking, Electrical: Industrial: $2-$10 million;
Milender White Construction Co., Tapiz at Mariposa, Residential: Multi-family and condominium projects up to $100 million;
Mortenson Construction, Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center, Mega Projects: More than $100 million;
MTech Mechanical Technologies Group, Inc., National Renewable Energy Laboratory Energy Systems Integration Facility, Mechanical: More than $10 million;
Shaw Construction, LLC., The Matthew & Carolyn Bucksbaum Campus, Institutional: $10-$25 million;
Spacecon Specialty Contractors, LLC, Castle Rock Adventist Health Campus, Interiors;
TIC – The Industrial Company, LaSalle Gas Processing Facility, Industrial: $25-$100 million.
Merit Winners
Adolfson & Peterson Construction, Suncor Energy USA Headquarters, Commercial: $10-$25 million;
AMI Mechanical, Inc., Wyoming Military Department C-5/159th Readiness Center, Mechanical: Commercial: Less than $2 million;
Greiner Electric, LLC., University of Wyoming Energy Resource Center, Electrical: Commercial: More than $2 million;
Hensel Phelps, High Altitude Army Aviation Training Site (HAATS), Federal Government / Military: $10-$100 million;
Hensel Phelps, Wyoming Military Department C-5/159th Readiness Center, Federal Government / Military: $10-$100 million;
Northern Electric, Inc., Savage Railport, Electrical: Industrial: $2-$10 million;
RK Mechanical, Inc., Castle Rock Adventist Hospital Phase II Campus Expansion, Mechanical: More than $10 million.
ABC also gave out four special recognition awards:
Excellence in Marketing Award:
Keo Frazier of Shaw Construction, The Matthew and Carolyn Bucksbaum Campus; Special Recognition for a LEED Project:
Greiner Electric, LLC, University of Wyoming Energy Resource Center; Special Recognition for a Design Build Project:
Hensel Phelps, Wyoming Military Department C-5/159th Readiness Center; Free Enterprise Award:
Milender White Construction Co.,Tapiz at Mariposa.
Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national trade association representing 22,000 members from more than 19,000 construction and industry-related firms. Founded on the merit shop philosophy, ABC and its 70 chapters help members develop people, win work and deliver that work safely, ethically and profitably for the betterment of the communities in which they work.
ABC–Rocky Mountain Chapter, Colorado’s premiere construction association, is dedicated to protecting and promoting merit shop philosophy. The organization provides leadership for the front range of Colorado’s construction industry through business development, safety training, craft training and legislative advocacy, plus a number of other member services. It truly is a member’s “every association,” dedicated to protecting employees, business and the construction industry. For more information, please visit: www.abcrmc.org.
- The reception was held outside the ballroom at Four Seasons Hotel Denver.
- (l to r): Dave Kuntz, Charles Cannon, Kathy Lang, Brett Sisco and Mike MaGuire
- Representatives of Spacecon Specialty Contractors at the reception
- Al Fisher (left) and Gregg Wells
- Heather Anderson samples a reception tidbit served by Shaina, of Four Seasons Hotel Denver.
- (l to r): Julie and Kevin Hurley, and John and Angela Barnhart
- Steve and Rhonda Foote (left), with Kim and Ray Uhrig
- Keo Frazier, with Robert Glover (center) and Doug Grogan
- (l to r): Brad Gibson, Kris Wintroub, Travis and Landis Seabolt, and Allan Matsuo
- (l to r): Bruce Mauner, Dina Jones, Kim Landry and Bob Mauntel
- (l to r): Mark Burtis, Ale Spray and David Jorschumb
- Jeff Payne and Angie Rubeck
- Dan and Johnna Lamphere
- Sarah Finn (left) and Nancy Partridge
- Tables are readied for 200.
- The crowd is seated for dinner.
- Awards are lined up, ready for presentations.
- Preparing for the dinner program (l to r): Joanna Johnson, director of meetings and events; board chair Jeff Erker; Brett McCann, director of member services and Mark Latimer, president and CEO
- Mark Latimer, ABCRMC President and CEO
- Brett McCann, director of member services for ABCRMC
- Judges (l to r): Brad Tonkin, Kelly Hedlund, Bruce Mauner and Mike Wisneski
- Jeff Erker congratulates Valerie Boyd, representing new member Colorado Safety & Supply.
- Jeff Erker (left), with Melinda Denney and Jim Swanstrom, representing new member DS Constructors
- Jeff Erker (left) congratulates Derek Lindenschmidt, representing Higgins Hopkins McLain & Roswell
- Jeff Erker, with Rachael Koch, representing new member Power Management Systems & Sales
- Ruffin Paulling (right), representing new member Siemens Industry, is congratulated by Jeff Erker
- Jeff Erker congratulates Steve Foote, of Greiner Electric, honored as a new BEAM Club member.
- Curt Olson and Nicole Newman
- (l to r): Jeremy Denison, Drew Johnson, Randy Croghan and Jerry Scheuer
- Shaw Construction sponsored the comprehensive coffee station.
- Brett McCann and Joanna Johnson
- Tamara and Chad Edens (left), with Kasandra and Robert Watkins
- Hensel Phelps sponsored this delicious fruit-crumble dessert offering.
- IMA, Inc. sponsored a sweet chocolate pot de creme with caramel whipped cream selection.
- The tables are set for the EIC Awards.
- Capturing the fun of “Mad for EIC.”
- Michael and Barbara Jacobs
- Sponsor recognition for Spacecon Specialty Contractors
- (l to r): Erin Smith, Dawn and Bob Purchase, Liz Castro and Sarah Montgomery
- Girls’ night out with (l to r): Erin Smith, Dawn Purchase, Liz Castro and Sarah Montgomery
- (l to r): Elizabeth and Dave Rosser, Tom and Colleen Dooley, and Pam and Josh Klein
- Robert and Karen Marceau
- Dane and Elena Bechtholdt
- Jim Swanstrom and Melinda Denney
- Kim Uhrig (left) and Sarah Armstrong
- Bob Terry, of FCI Construction Inc.
- Jennifer Payton (left) and Diahan Ehasz
- Tim Batz (left) and Mark Semonisck
- Colleen and Tom Dooley
- Crystal and Eric Nelson
- Patty and Denny Bosko
- Jeff Erker (left), with Beth and Adam Schuler
- Randy and JoAnne Wainwright (left), with Jim Martin
- (l to r): Derek Lindenschmidt, Kelly Hedlund and Curtis Graham
- Pam and Josh Klein
- Thomas Tarver and Landis Seabolt
- (l to r): Mark Latimer, Scott Mansfield, Ken King and Chris Johnson
- Len and Rachael Koch, with board member Scott Oglesby (right)
- Diego Gallegos (left) and Brad Tonkin
- ABCRMC’s president and CEO, Mark Latimer
- Table settings featured a martini glass, front and center.
- Chris Johnson, martini in hand, is ready for the reception.
- Mark Lindsey Brier tickled the ivories during the reception.
- Showing sponsor support at the cocktail tables
- Table settings featured well wishes from sponsors.
- (l to r): Mark Burtis, Ale Spray and David Jorschumb
- Jeff Erker with Paul Koch and Kevin Hurley, Milender White Construction Co.
- Jeff Erker with Jack Hughes and Robert Glover of Shaw Construction
- Mark Baumann, left, Bill Kincheloe, Jeff Erker, Scott Anderson, Shannon Amberger and Jordan Woods–TIC (The Industrial Company)
- Jeff Erker with Dave Rosser and Chad Carlson with Hensel Phelps
- Jeff Erker with Tom Dooley and Josh Klein, Hensel Phelps
- Jeff Erker, left, with Chris McNamara and Dan Lamphere of Adolfson & Peterson Construction
- Dave Kuntz, left, Jeff Erker, Mike MaGuire, Brett Sisco and Kath Lang, Mortenson Construction
- Brett McCann gives the Free Enterprise Award to Paul Koch and Kevin Hurley of Milender White Construction Co.
- Brett McCann with Dave Rosser and Chad Carlson of Hensel Phelps, receiving Special Recognition for a Design Build Project
- Brett McCann gives an award for Special Recognition for a LEED Project to Steve Foote of Greiner Electric
- Keo Frazier of Shaw Construction receiving the Excellence in Marketing award, on stage with Brett McCann
- Brett McCann of ABCRMC and Marco Capitelli of MTech Mechanical Technologies Group
- Mark Latimer on stage
- Jeff Erker and Dane Bechtoldt of Douglass Colony
- Jeff Erker gives an award to Jerry Scheuer and Kevin Emerson of Spacecon Specialty Contractors
- Jeff Erker presents an award to Matt Gruber of Douglass Colony
- Jeff Erker with Ale Spray and Mark Burtis of AMI Mechanical
- Jeff Erker, left, with Jeff Payne and Tyler Lobb of MTech Mechanical Technologies Group
- Jeff Erker gives an award to Randy Wainwright and Jim Martin of RK Mechanical
- Jeff Erker, left, with Robert Watkins and Ryann Cunningham and Chad Edens of LEI Companies
- Jeff Erker, left, with Al and Terri Fisher, accepting the award for Northern Electric
- Jeff Erker with Kris Wintroub and Steve Foote of Greiner Electric
- Jeff Erker, left, awards Eric Nelson and Travis Seabolt of Greiner Electric their award
- Brett McCann addressing attendees
- Jeff Erker on stage ready to begin awards
- “Marilyn” on stage helping with awards