Blacktie News
Have You Heard February/March 2014
Have You Heard #53
A special tribute to an irreplaceable man!

Walt and Georgia Imhoff
It’s hard to grasp that our beloved Walt Imhoff is gone. Our community has lost a hero and a champion we won’t be able to replace. Here are a few thoughts from some other members of our Blacktie team:
Kenton Kuhn: What a pleasure it was to know Walt Imhoff and what a great friend he was to Blacktie. I never failed to learn something new in my meetings with Walt.
Pam Cress: The entire world is a little less bright without Walt. People come in and out of one’s life, but the news of his passing was like a falling star for me. He was so steady and comforting to everyone around him that we just tended to think he would be there forever, and losing him leaves a big gaping hole. Rest in Peace Walt.
Elizabeth Byrnes Crony (Blacktie V.P. 2001 – 2006): With the passing of Georgia and now Walt, Linda Goto then Leo, Guenther… my mind continually flips thru “thousands” of mental photos of things we all did together. All the events, committee meetings, our wedding, Peyton’s baby showers… It is a strange feeling – like my Denver family is fading.
May 2014 be your year to thrive and enjoy good health. Live each day joyfully. Going forward, Blacktie is working to build on our success and increase our presence in the community. We are grateful to all of our readers and supporters and hope you continue to support and believe in us as we keep improving our service to you. Enjoy all the great events coming up; and remember to be kind to one another and not take those you love for granted.
Keeping Up with Our Have You Mets!
Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Magazine featured a story on event designer and HYM John Tobey.
HYM Natalie Rekstad Lynn was named one of the Denver Business Journal’s “People on the Move.” Natalie is a senior consultant with Black Fox Philanthropy – a company she founded. And on January 17th, Natalie’s husband, Scott Lynn, CEO of Atkinson Construction, was awarded the 2014 Golden Beaver “2014 Management Award” for his excellence in the construction industry.

HYM Natalie Rekstad Lynn and Scott Lynn and the Lynn family
HYM Rhiannon Burns Hendrickson was named one of the nominees for Denver Business Journal’s 2014 “40 Under 40 Awards.” Rhiannon is the founder of Orapin Marketing. Good luck Rhiannon!
HYM Bradley Joseph was featured in Colorado Expression. Bradley is the owner of Silver Spur Marketing.

John Beauprez, left, HYM Monica Owens and HYM Bradley Joseph at the Beaux Arts Ball
HYM Quinn Washington was the selection committee chair for the Colorado Ethics in Business Alliance (CEBA) Committee. And he is the co-chair of the upcoming “Red Wine and Seafood” Benefiting Volunteers of America on March 6th. Quinn also was the year-end celebration chair for the Minoru Yasui Community Volunteer Award event.

HYM Quinn Washington, left, Molly Fortune, HYM Frances Owens,HYM Monica Owens, HYM Faye and Dr. Reggie Washington
HYM William J. Hybl is the 2014 Mizel Institute Community Enrichment Award winner and will be honored at the 2014 Mizel Institute Annual Dinner Gala on Wednesday, May 2nd at Wings Over the Rockies.
HYM Dianne Reeves performed with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra on January 25th.
HYM Jim Guttau is now the Public Relations Director for the Denver Four Seasons.
HYM Jeremy Bloom was featured in USA Weekend.
HYM Artist Ken Elliott is one of the 30 featured artists in the Open Press exhibit starting on February 28th through April 12th at McNichols Civic Center. The “Open Press” is a Celebration and Exhibition of Tradition and Experimentation of the Fine Art Print.
Erica Sarzin Borrillo, wife of HYM Paul Borrillo received the “2013 True West Award” from Culture House as the “Best Actress in a Dramatic Role” for her performance as Mary Tyrone in a “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” playing at the Germinal Stage Theatre.
HYM Barbara Brooks hosted her fabulous annual “Holiday Champagne Party.” Proceeds from the event were donated to Homefront Cares:

John Chism and HYM Barbara Brooks

Susan Van Ness, left, and Stacy Ohlsson

Future HYM Shaul Turner of Fox News and Stefano DeCarlo

HYM Anne Fanganello and Jennifer Marie Tiedemann
HYM Mary McNicholas and her husband Kevin hosted the “Denver Zoo Executive Holiday Party” at their home:

HYM Mary McNicholas, her son Sean McNicholas and his wife Audra

HYM Jeannie Ritter and Denny O’Malley of the Denver Zoo board

Mayor of Cherry Hills Village and HYM Doug Tisdale at the McNicholas party, giving the Denver Zoo an honorable proclamation

HYM Meyer and Geri Saltzman, left, with Denny O’Malley

Don Siecke, left, Bob Koontz and Larry DiPasquale at the opening of the Centennial Gun Club
Terri Fisher hosted her lovely annual holiday party:

Dr Ron and Chris Yaros, left, Al and HYM Terri Fisher and HYMs Adrienne and Jack Fitzgibbons

Al and HYM Terri Fisher & HYM Lawrence French and his fab Lifestyles Catering staff at Terri Fisher’s holiday party
At the 2014 Denver Jewish Film Festival:

Peter and Heather Brecl, left, John Davidson and HYM Felicia Diamond at the Denver Jewish Film Festival

MACC Cultural Achievement Award recipient and future HYM Udi Baron, Etai and Darcey Baron, Amy Toltz-Miller and Sharon Haber ( film festival co-chair)

Brynn Coplan Sater, left, Ely Hemnes and Heather Breci
At the 2014 Fine Arts Foundation “Citizen of the Arts” Jubilee:

Jubilee Chair and HYM Susan Stiff with Jim Steinberg, 2014 Citizen of the Arts recipient

Vickie Dow, Nancy Koontz, Lorraine Salazar, Jan Hammond and Susan Stiff at the Fine Arts Foundation Jubilee

HYM and Jubilee co-chair Susan Stiff, left, Kathy Roberts (treasurer), HYM Steve Edmonds (Jubilee co-chair and auction chair), Steve’s mom Rosalie Edmonds and Caroline Sampson

Dr Gary VanderArk and his wife Phyllis
Denver Office of Strategic Partnerships celebrates 10 years of building partnership and collaboration between the nonprofit sector and the City of Denver.
Douglas/Elbert Task Force’s Benefit Concert celebrates 30 years with Colorado’s own Firefall.
St. Martin’s Chamber Choir celebrates their 20th season.
University of Denver celebrates 150 years.
The Colorado Business Hall of Fame celebrates 25 years.
The Open Press celebrates 25 years.
Happy 20th anniversary to one of my favorite restaurants, Carmine’s on Penn.
Happy 10th anniversary to Facebook.
Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of: Jerry Gray, Ken Gordon, HYM Guenther Vogt, Craig Johnson, Laura Lewis, Jeff Parr, Robin Rule, Max Barber, Gene Steinke, Mikki Wolf, Paul Messenger, Muriel Sigman, and Justin Miller.
Marriages and Engagements:
Matt Need and Chel Johnson are engaged.
Sarah Manns Pfauth is engaged to David Trujillo.
Ashton Altieri married Jennifer Mainprice.
Leslie Banks is engaged to Chris Osmond.
Aaron Dungy married Lisa Nathan.
Gail DeVore married Michael Raizen.
Baby News:
Pamela Grieve Stromberg & Benjamin Thomas– baby boy Benjamin Thomas.
Gabriel Conroy and Ruth Danzer– baby girl Iona Lucille.
Jill Hodges Moreno and Rob Moreno– baby girl Vivienne.
Maia & Jamie Stone– baby girl Amalia.
Lola & Rob Salazar are grandparents to twins Lola & Penelope.
Special Birthday Wishes:
Happy 100th birthday to Marion Downs, founder of the Marion Downs Hearing Center.
Happy 90th birthday to former Denver District Judge Roger Cisneros.
Happy 70th Birthday to Pat Bowlen, owner of the Denver Broncos, and husband of HYM Annabel Bowlen.
Get Well Soon:
Patricia Robinson, Roque Marquez, Eunice Romano, Lisa Stelzig Holste.
Community News:
2014 Dr Martin Luther King Humanitarian Award Recipients for 2014:
- Rose Shipp, posthumously awarded, founder, African-American Quilters and Collectors Guild
- Tom Luehrs, Executive Director of the St. Francis Center
- Murugan Palani, Board Chairperson, Rocky Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council
- Pastor Robert Woolfolk, Mrs. Eddie Woolfolk, Agape Christian Church, The Honorable Menola Upshaw Lifetime Achievement Award
- Thelma Gash, former Principal, Denver Public Schools, The Honorable Menola Upshaw Lifetime Achievement Award
- Josie Brady, Dr. Joyce Marie Davis Outstanding Youth Award
Each was nominated by a member of the community and selected by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Commission, let by co-chairpersons Vern L. Howard and Charlezine“Terry” Nelson of the Blair/Caldwell African American Research Library.
Arapahoe House’s “Ruston Award” winner for the year 2013 is Christine Powers.
Fred Hamilton received the prestigious 2014 “Citizen of the West Award” on January 13th at the national Western Events Center.
Looking forward to the Gala Opening of the historic Union Station in Downtown Denver this summer. 50 charitable organizations will benefit from ticket sales from the event.
Parents, child advocates, service providers, educators and others who care about Colorado kids are invited to “Speak Up for Kids Day!” to explore the latest issues in health and early childhood policymaking, acquire new advocacy skills and talk to lawmakers.
To attend “Speak Up for Kids!” please register online to attend the event from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Thursday, March 13 at the Denver Art Museum and State Capitol. Speak Up for Kids Day! is sponsored by the Colorado Children’s Campaign as well as Executives Partnering to Invest in Children (EPIC), whose president, Gloria Higgins, is an original DPP Board member, and Children’s Hospital Colorado.
Eric Sondermann is the new board chair for the “Colorado I Have a Dream Foundation.”
- Blacktie’s Pam Cress at the Goodwill Fashion Show with Tim Gunn, left, and Mondo Guerra
Have You Heard Fall/Winter 2013
Have You Heard Issue #52
Hope you enjoyed one of the most magnificent Falls ever in Colorado. We are happy to be back with you our generous, community-involved readers. We have so much to fill you in on, so let’s get started! Remember to give with all your heart – and take time to laugh and celebrate life. May your holidays be warm and wonderful… As always, thank you for supporting Blacktie!
Keeping Up with our Have You Mets (and future HYM’s):
HYM Nashville recording artist Pete Martinez donated the song “THE HORSE,” which is the theme song for “Horse Sense,” a documentary premiering on Rocky Mountain PBS featuring the Colorado State University’s Equine Research Programs. The film tells the story of mankind’s relationship with the horse. And if that isn’t incredible enough, Pete was asked to write a song for the Greatest Generations Foundation called “WE THANK YOU” to honor and thank all the veterans of WWII, Vietnam, Korea, and newly arriving. Martinez wrote, recorded and has performed the song to applaud the advancements of the CSU Equine Institute, one of the world’s most prestigious equine teaching hospitals and research entities. Pete spent a month this last summer touring in Sweden, he’s been signed to return to Sweden next year as well as perform in Norway. For more information on Pete’s schedule go to
Congratulations to HYM Andrew Hudson. It’s been 5 years since he started his Andrew Hudson’s Job List which has helped so many people find the job of their dreams!
HYM Brian Watson’s company, Northstar Commercial Partners, has been acquiring numerous office buildings and properties throughout Colorado. Congratulations Brian!
The Colorado economy is definitely on an upswing. HYM Jodi Brooks, a fourth-generation Denverite and longtime Channel 4 reporter, recently signed off at Denver CBS4. She’s leaving to become the regional sales director for a business-to-business insurance company. Jodi says she’ll miss her “TV family” at the station, who’ve seen her through marriage, two babies and more. But she will stay involved with the non-profit “Colorado Safe Haven for Newborns” with which she’s been associated for years, since reporting a story in Mobile, AL.

Felicia Diamond with her handsome horse Dan at the Urban Farms of Denver
HYM Felicia Diamond unfortunately had to euthanize her precious horse Dan that she bought as her own from Urban Farms,
a Denver nonprofit in Stapleton that houses and cares for farm animals. Felicia volunteers her time to help out at the farm several times a week.

Ken Elliott and a fan of his work
HYM Artist Ken Elliott new book “Manifesting 123” is selling like gang-busters! Ken Elliott is an artist and writer living in Castle Rock, Colorado. He’s been on a dual track for over 25 years as an accomplished artist and now as a writer and someone who has experienced and collected astonishing stories about how everyone can “script” their own lives. Ken shares his experiences and insights in the book.

Ambassador Christopher Hill, dean ofthe Josef Korbel School of International Studies at DU, with his wife Julie and HYM Diane Wengler
HYM Diane Wengler hosted a private reception for Ambassador Christopher Hill, the Dean of the University of Denver’s “Josef Korbel School of International Studies” at her beautiful Colorado Springs home. Ambassador Hill will be a future Have You Met.
HYM Jane Withers long-awaited book: “Hub Cap Annie: The Incredible Life and Times of America’s Hub Cap Queen” is in writing and will be shipped from the printers this week. You can get a sneak preview with the listing on Amazon. Jane says: “As many of you know, my life and times has been a roller coaster and you have been part of my journey, and supporters through many of its valleys.

Lisza Gulyas, right, with Louise Richardson at dinner in Larimer Square
HYM Lisza Gulyas has gotten through several knee surgeries with flying colors, and is back to doing all the things she loves – like dancing and baking European pastries!

Tracy Ulmer and Gayle Novak at the Brass Ring Luncheon for Childhood Diabetes
HYM Gayle Novak is chairing the Cancer League of Colorado’s May 2014 Hope Ball.

Michael Whitten and Katie Carrol–congratulations!
The Colorado Springs Gazette just hired Katie Carrol as their new Director of Communications and Public Relations. And Katie also announced her recent marriage to Michael Whitten.

Audra and Sean McNicholas, Mary and Kevin McNicholas, Shannon Fitzgerald, Terri and Al Fisher, Nancy Koontz at the McNicholas’ TKM Foundation annual event
HYM Mary and Kevin McNicholas, who have been helping to care for the needy in Denver with their constant generosity, were honored by Little Sisters of the Poor at this year’s “Diamonds and Denim” event. The McNicholas’ were also honored at their 2nd annual T. Kevin McNicholas Foundation Tribute event at the new McNichols Civic Center Building on October 25th. The foundation was founded to help build a better future for low income kids through family, hope and education.
Jeanne Portmann Saunders, the wife of one of our original Blacktie supporters, Dick Saunders, is now affiliated with UMB Banks as a senior financial planner in the Private Wealth management division.

Dr. Colin Weekes, left, from the University of Colorado Cancer Center, accepts a $45,000 check from Jim Comferford, Maureen Shul, Stacy Ohlsson and Melanie Avner. The money represents proceeds from the recent Wings of Hope gala and will be put toward pancreatic cancer research and treatment programs at the Anschutz Medical Campus.
Our very own Stacy Ohlsson stays true to her commitment to fighting Pancreatic Cancer which took the life of her mother (and co-founder of Blacktie), Georgia Imhoff, by working with several local Pancreatic Cancer organizations.

Honorary Chairs Adrienne and Jack Fitzgibbons with honoree Shery McDonald Galbreath at the Invisible Disabilities Association event
HYM Shery McDonald Galbreath was presented with the Women Who’ve Changed the Heart of the City award by the Denver Rescue Mission. And Shery was also recently honored at the Invisible Disabilities Association Gala with their “Volunteer Honors Award” in recognition of her lifelong passion for volunteering on behalf of those living with illness and disability.

Dahlia Weinstein, Bradley Joseph and Tamika Pumphrey
Have You Mets: Wendy Aiello, David Alexander, Bradley Joseph & Dahlia Weinstein were all part of “The Team” behind the highly successful event “Urban Nights” that took place on August 23rd at Mile High Station. The event, which benefits Urban Peak, was Colorado’s largest outdoor fashion show, and Grammy nominated performer Deborah Cox provided the musical entertainment for the evening.
Weddings & Engagements:
Corrie Vela married Tor Ehler
Kelsey Gregg married Adam Seaman
Jennie Puzlo married Kent Haverkamp
Auna Jornayvaz married Andrew Wolf
Cyndy Everett married Tom Marsh
Christine Chang married Damon Gillette
Katie Carrol married Michael Whitten
HYM Leigh Sullivan is engaged to Travis Plakke.
Kim Phillips is engaged to Garman Stroh.
Former Blacktie-Colorado staff member Danielle Yuthas is engaged to Steve Paske.
Get Well Soon:
Bertha Haugen Sue Miller, Burt Levy, and Edna Chang Grant.
Condolences to the Families of:
Paul Ryan, Byron Stafford, Charles Pippitt, Tim & Paul Samaras, Alice Vickers, Arlene Bershof, Rob Mintz, Kevin Curran, Rosemary Berry, Dr. Lynn Sanders, and Dan Bell.
Out and About Have You Met Photos:
- Nancy Koontz and Pam Cress at this year’s Have You Met party
- Helen Hayes, Susie Krabacher, Janie Netzorg at the Mercy & Sharing event for abandoned kids in Haiti
- Sandee Walling, left, Teresa Kennedy, Nancy Koontz and Ryta Sondergard at the Porter-Billups Foundation event
- Janie and Skip Netzorg with Joanne Davidson at the Mercy & Sharing event
- Terri Fisher, left, Donald Seawell and Gayle Johnson at Denver Center Alliances Theatre Threads event
- Having fun at the Brass Ring Luncheon: Pat Peterson, Monica Owens, Frances Owens, Terri Fisher, Nicole Salter, Babriele Lawrence, Princess Wallace, Susan Van Ness, Nancy Koontz
- Jillian Gibbs, left, and Cynthia Treadwell at the Platte Forum dinner at Carmines on Penn
- Trish Thibodo, ED, and Jerry Barnett at the Platte Forum dinner
- Sheri Gonzales, Tamara Baniks, Barbara Brooks and Shaul Turner at a benefit for St Jude’s
- David and Kasia Iwaniczko MacLeod at their housewarming party
- Lannie Garrett, Gayle Novak and Keri Christiansen at the kickoff party for Save the Males for Prostate Cancer at Mariel’s
- Gail Johnson and Sue Ellen Goss, co-chairs of the Save the Males for Prostrate Cancer party
- Gregory Sargowicki and Lawrence French at their Wild Wild West party benefitting Arc Thrift Stores
- Helen Thorpe, left, with Susan Daggett at a benefit for the Denver School of the Arts
- Natalie Rekstad Lynn and Nancy Koontz at the Capital Grille
- Monica Owens’ ankle boot did not stop her from attending the Global Down Syndrome Be Beautiful Be Yourself fashion show
- Lois Paul, left, Bonnie Mandarich and Maureen Cannon will be the chairs of the Excelsior Youth Center’s Triumphant Faces gala on 3-7-14
- Keri Christiansen, Lawrence French, Gayle Novak, Terri Fisher and Gina Berg at the home of Arlene Johnson, to benefit the Edith Sanford Breast Cancer Foundation
- Louise Richardson, left, Lionel Bienvenu of Channel 7 News and Michele Gebhart at Chinook Tavern
- Nancy Koontz and Mayor Doug Tisdale, emcee for the Huntington’s Disease Foundation event at Lannie’s Clocktower Cabaret
- Les and Paula Shapiro, left, with Judy and Jack Adler and Laura and Eli Adler at the trailer preview showing of their movie ‘Surviving Skokie.’
- Glory Weisberg, left, Bob Sweeney and Nancy Koontz, before Glory was honored at the Volunteers of America event
- Mary McNicholas at the Fine Arts Deb Ball with Judi Wolf
- Fine Arts Foundation debutante Mariel Snyder, escorted by her father Brent Snyder. Her mom is HYM Denise Snyder.
- Denise Snyder and her husband Brent Snyder-the-lionhearted at their Halloween party
- Frances Owens, Jay and Kristina Davidson, Glory Weisberg and Quinn Washington at the Snyders’ fun Halloween party
- Lawrence French and Gregory Sargowicki’s German Shepard pups with mom Evita–so cute!
- Ellen Premack, Nancy Alterman, Toni Palmer and Debi Tepper at the Choices dinner for Jewish Colorado
- Bob Koontz with Diane Wengler at the Komen Pink Tie Affair
- Go Red For Women luncheon for the American Heart Association: Gail Johnson, Maureen O’Hare, Sue Provost, Keri Christiansen, Trisha Hood, Patti Nelson, Linda Cook
Colorado Charter Schools 20th Anniversary
Little Sisters of the Poor 95 years
American Cancer Society 100 years
Children’s Museum of Denver 40 years
Colorado Neurological Institute (CNI) 25 years
VOA’s Western Fantasy 20 years
Colorado Youth at Risk 20 years
Gold Crown Foundation Fieldhouse 10 years
Jewish Community Center’s Schwayder Ranch Camp 60 years
The Washington park “The Profile” Newspaper 35 years
Arc 45 years
CU Denver became an independent institution in 1973, which makes this year their 40th anniversary.
Make-A-Wish Colorado 30 years
National Urban League 100 years
50 years since President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963
50 years since Dr. Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech
Baby News:
Sean and Audra McNicholas baby girl Aralilia “Lil”
And – this is the first grandchild for HYM Mary McNicholas and her husband Kevin.
Amy & Tony Cummins baby boy Tanner Patrick
Motivational speaker Andrea Constantine and her husband Rob Ransom baby boy Rawley
Gina and Jacon Grubb baby Henry
Mary Shay and Jeff Nafus baby girl Elizabeth Rose
Former Colorado Ballet dancer Janelle Cook and her husband Jason Hinkley baby boy Miles Dean
Tracie and Wade Sheppard baby girl Ellianna
HYM Christine Chang Gillette and husband Damon Gillette baby boy Rylan.
Community News:
The Colorado Symphony Orchestra has named Susan Stoveall as its new Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Sarah Hom, the Symphony’s current marketing director, will move to a new role as Director of Sales and Patron Services, responsible for strengthening ticket sales strategies and broadening customer service functions. Stoveall is an award-winning marketing professional with 20 years of non-profit marketing experience. Most recently she served as director of marketing for the Mizel Museum in Denver.
Kate Hunt Van Daele is the new Executive Director of Sue Miller Day of Caring for Breast Cancer Awareness.
The new Vice President of Development at the Kempe Foundation is Paul Dunn and Ashley Davis comes aboard as their new director of special events and volunteers. New board members are: Art Aaron, Lauren Cannon Davis, Brad Farber, Kurtis Hooley, and Leigh McMahon.
The Denver Hospice and its Optio Health Services were named a “Circle of Life Winner” – a national award presented by the American Hospital Association. The Denver Hospice is the only Colorado hospice to win the Circle of Life Award in the award’s 14 year history.
Andrew Litton is the new Colorado Symphony Orchestra Music Director.
Patricia Peterson is the new President & CEO of the Colorado Cancer Research Program.
After bringing news into the homes of Coloradans for more than 30 years, 7NEWS anchor Bertha Lynn recently left the newsroom to become the new Executive Director of the Children’s Diabetes Foundation at Denver.
Future HYM Lloyd Lewis, President/CEO of Arc Thrift Stores, received the 2013 Community Service Award from The Arc of Adams County.
Sponsor a seat with an engraved name plaque in the Black Box Theatre or buy a brick in the Colorado Ballet’s new building. Contact Merry Logan at for more information.
The CELL’s (Counter-Terrorism Learning Lab) CAP (Community Awareness Program) just received the “2013 Outstanding Community Policing Award” through the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP).
CBS4 Anchor Britt Moreno is the new Adoption Exchange “Wednesday’s Child” reporter for the station’s weekly special “Wednesday’s Child” segment.
As a mom with a daughter who is battling breast cancer, this one is personal. A big thanks to the 1,100 people that joined in to fight breast cancer and to help Susan G. Komen celebrate the annual Denver Affiliate of Susan G. Komen at their gala, “A Pink Tie Affair” on November 9th. This gala brought together local community leaders, friends and family to support Komen Denver and its work to end breast cancer forever. This year, the event raised $400,000 to save lives in Colorado funding breast health education and breast cancer screening and treatment. John DellaSalle, CEO of Denver-based companies Tennison Group and TG Staffing and former board president of Komen Denver received the 6th annual “Komen Denver Ambassador Award” which was presented to him at the gala. Have You Mets who are on the Honorary Council for the Susan G. Komen Denver Affliate are: Kim Christiansen, Jean Galloway, Arlene Johnson, Dottie Lamm, Frances Owens, and Jeannie Ritter.
Blacktie is introducing a new event coverage system!
Blacktie has been covering events in Colorado for over 10 years and we thought it was about time to up our game and give the hardworking non-profits of this state the coverage they deserve for their events.
We are excited to introduce the brand new Blacktie Photos. You can read all about the latest philanthropy events in Colorado in a clean, easy to use and pretty interface. You will have an easier time sharing photos of you and your friends across your social networks and it is as easy as 123 to download photos and purchase copies of your favorite memories from events.