We love events where there are lots of hugs and bright smiles. The ones that feel like a happy family reunion.The cool thing about Denver Adaptive Divers Annual Dinner & Fundraiser? The majority of these folks focus a lot of their free time on scuba diving activities. A quick check online says they’re in the company of maybe less than 1% of the U.S. population. Factor in that some of these divers have physical challenges to deal with and we’re in the “wow” category.

Tyler Wilson, service dog Bomber, Kendyll Gooding

On Sunday, Sept. 15, around 150 guests gathered at Rockleys’ Event Center in Lakewood to catch up with fellow diving enthusiasts and do some fundraising. The evening began with a silent auction and cocktail reception catered by Shelby Peterson’s Adventures Decanted team. DAD’s co-founders John Sherman and Janine Melberg were seen mingling and greeting guests with enthusiasm and warmth. One guest noted that she was posing for a picture with her dive buddy, responsible for co-managing her breathing underwater, giving “buddy” a whole new meaning. The reception was followed up with a plated dinner and program featuring inspiring keynote speaker Craig Vogtsberger. Injured in a near-fatal military accident, he went on to a No Barriers Warriors Mount Whitley climb, as well as numerous physical challenges included in Xterra triathlons. Steve Art and Doug Wulf presided over a lively live auction.

Co-founders Janine Melberg and John Sherman

Denver Adaptive Divers offers scuba-diving training programs that provide Open Water Diver certification to people with a variety of disabilities, providing them the opportunity to discover the freedom of movement underwater through scuba diving. Participants might have spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, be amputees, or visually and hearing impaired. This Colorado 501c(3) organization raises money to train, certify, equip and provide dive trips qualified participants. For more information, go to: https://www.denverdivers.com/denver-adaptive-divers.htm.


Blacktie Colorado
Blacktie Colorado