Remembering Brooke Wunnicke: Legal Community Rallies To Raise Funds for Memorial CU Law Scholarship Fund
The Brooke Wunnicke (1918 – 2014) Memorial Scholarship Fund Committee hosted an October reception to honor and toast the memory of a legal pioneer woman. Brooke Wunnicke practiced trial and appellate law for over 60 years with an unwavering commitment to ethics that has left an indelible mark on the legal profession. In addition to her legal practice, Wunnicke was an adjunct professor at DU’s Sturm College of Law, a published author, an expert witness, and a national speaker on legal ethics and professionalism.
Committee Co-Chairs Mark Fogg and Dave Stark each paid tribute to Brooke’s excellence as a lawyer, mentor and friend. Bob Kapelke and Brenda Taylor collaborated to add both humorous and musical tributes of their own during the memorial that was attended by Brooke’s daughter, Diane Wunnicke. Stories were told including how Brooke graduated with a JD from CU Law in 1945 and opened her Cheyenne practice in 1946, representing clients in front of juries when Wyoming women (the first state to allow women to vote) were not even allowed to be jurors. Some say, Brooke fought discrimination by winning again and again for her clients in trials and over 250 appeals in state and federal courts and other areas of law. In her later years, Brooke practiced law at Hall & Evans until she retired at 92. H&E, represented at the reception by Walter Downing and Mike Jones, has donated $50,000 to the fund.
The memorial event was held on the 45th Floor of Republic Plaza in the offices of Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell where guests could enjoy the autumn sunset and refreshments. Michael O’Donnell serves on the Wunnicke Scholarship Fund committee along with Russ Carparelli, Stan Garnett, Kathryn Haight, Bruce Menk, Bill Meyer, Bill Ritter, Connie Talmage, Chuck Turner and Tony van Westrum. Guests included former Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael Bender, Justice Richard Gabriel, Magistrate Judge Kristen Mix, Jim Coyle, Joan McWilliams, David Tenner, Nancy Cohen, Larry Tannenbaum, Patricia Clisham, and CU Law Dean Phil Weiser.
The committee invites contributions to the fund that was established by Brooke Wunnicke at her alma mater, CU Law, to provide an annual scholarship to a student who exhibits academic excellence and experience working in the private sector or in community service. Every contributor will be acknowledged in materials kept in “Brooke’s Nook,” a study corner established in Brooke’s honor at the Wise Library at CU Law. Online contributions are accepted at or contact CU Law Director of Development Ellen Goldberg at 303-735-3689.