With “Inspire” as its event theme, expectations for Stout Street Foundation’s fall luncheon speakers had to be elevated. But wow, did everyone on stage deliver! Between keynote speaker Tyrone Braxton and Sara, the SSF client whose story was chronicled on a riveting video, guests were hanging onto every word…and most certainly left the event motivated to better their own life.
On Friday, Oct. 30, around 250 guests made their way to The Denver Athletic Club for a delicious, served lunch, along with enticing silent and live auctions, and a slew of positive messages to take with them. As always, the event stayed true to its 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. timeline, while still giving guests time to chat and catch up, keep up with silent auction bids and enjoy their food. Spotted in the crowd were former Bronco great Mike Harden, plus two former Colorado First Ladies: Frances Owens and Jeannie Ritter.
Joe Bevilacqua, Clear Channel Entertainment’s FM program director, emceed the afternoon’s program and also served as auctioneer for coveted big-ticket items. Nicholas Petrucelli, VP of programs, welcomed the crowd and talked about the impact of Stout Street’s services. Braxton took the stage next and was able to talk about his success as a Denver Bronco and his recovery from addiction—he is completing certification as a clinical social worker while working with clients at the Mental Health Center of Denver. Braxton showed his support to the services and programs of SSF, bypassing a Bronco Alumni event in favor of speaking at this luncheon.
Sara’s story was detailed in a video presentation, made even more special when she appeared on stage for a few words. President and CEO Christopher Conway continued with the “Inspire” theme, and urged guests to take their experience and be an advocate for addiction recovery—even if only for the rest of the day. Teri Smith took time to thank sponsors, staff and supporters for their efforts before lucky winners won or out-bid others for terrific prizes.

TriCuzz Productions’ three cousins (l to r): Nancy Alterman, Cheryl Hiltzik and Mitzi Townshend were honored on stage.
Stout Street Foundation’s mission is to provide the necessary services and support in a totally structured, therapeutic community environment to assist addicts and alcoholics to help themselves in rehabilitation, recovery and transition in returning to society as productive and responsible citizens.
SSF operates as a not-for-profit, self-sufficient organization without primary economic dependence on municipal, state or federal funding. Within its structured environment, the organization provides food, lodging, and specific programs and treatment for its residents. For more information on long-term residential treatment, 28-day residential treatment and out-patient assistance, please visit: www.stoutstreet.org, or call 303-321-2533.
- jason G (left) and Walter B
- Guests sit down for a lunch program at The Denver Athletic Club
- (l to r): Nikolas Darrah, Audrey Davis and Chelsey Valeria
- (l to r): Nikolas Darrah and Chelsey Valeria
- Vanessa Montano (left) and Laura Popovics
- Tables are readied for 250 guests.
- (l to r): Mario Mattorano, Jesse Wheeler, Wesly Hooks and Tonya Carrera
- The IDEA family
- Janella Morganflash and Mark Fourniel
- (l to r): Michael Hornbuckle, Thomas Hernandez, and Nicholas and Becky Petrocelli
- Board secretary Victor Ulman (left) and Joseph Ellis
- Joseph Ellis greets a friend.
- The Wiefield Group
- (l to r): Keenan van de Boogaard, Walter Baker and board secretary Victor Ulman
- Shirley Drury and Buddy Lowe
- (l to r): Thomas Hernandez, Jay Voigt and Austin Eubanks
- Smiling faces at the registration table
- Jordan McVicker, with Kendall and Caden
- CoBiz reps
- TriCuzz tablemates
- TriCuzz Productions’ three cousins (l to r): Nancy Alterman, Cheryl Hiltzik and Mitzi Townshend were honored on stage.
- (l to r): Nancy Alterman, Susan McIntire and Rene Bullock, Commerce City Mayor Pro Tem
- Former Denver Bronco and current case manager at the Mental Health Center of Denver, with SSF Vice President of Development Teri Smith
- Scott Ammon strikes a dainty pose, Tonya Carrera loves it, and so does the anonymous, happy photo-bomber (center)
- Scott Ammon and Tonya Carrera
- Annette Naran (left) and Jacqueline Sundstrom
- Hannah and Adam Sickler
- Erica Porter (left) and former Colorado First Lady Frances Owens
- (l to r): Brad Sjoshorn, board member Jay Voight and Darrell Anderson
- Putting in bids at the silent auction
- Kathy Byrne (left) and Valerie Day
- Chatting before lunch
- Friends and former Denver Bronco greats Mike Harden (left) and Tyrone Braxton
- Artist Darrell Anderson with his portrait of former Colorado Rockies skipper Don Baylor
- Sarah Hepworth (left) and Margaret McConnellogue
- Daughter-father Jennifer and Fred Guggenheim
- Chris Kesterson and Sandra Bianchi-Martinez
- Event planners Margaret McConnellogue and Timothy Robison
- (l to r): Margaret McConnellogue, Timothy Robison and Sarah Hepworth
- Susan McIntire (left) and former Colorado First Lady Jeannie Ritter
- (l to r): Kristie Gamboa, Angelita Reyes and Louise Baughn
- (l to r): Sara Smith, Denise Weimer and Jessica George
- COO Brad Lucero III, with Ethan
- Christopher Conway photographs Tyrone Braxton and Mike Harden with happy Bronco fans.
- Niki Worthan and Christopher Conway
- Tyrone Braxton’s story inspired the guests at this year’s SSF luncheon.
- Tyrone Braxton talks about his journey from celebrated Denver Bronco to overcoming drug use and his current experiences as case manager at The Mental Health Center of Denver.
- Tyrone Braxton was keynote speaker
- Nicholas Petrucelli, CAC III, SSF vice president of programs
- Intently watching SSF’s “Inspire” video
- Sara bravely shared her own inspiring story and how SSF has positively impacted her life.
- President and CEO Christopher Conway talks about Stout Street Foundation’s success stories, as well as dollars and cents.
- President and CEO Christopher Conway, CAC III
- TriCuzz is honored on stage.
- Joe Bevilacqua, emcee and auctioneer extraordinaire
- Teri Smith watches spirited bidding on Broncos-Patriots tickets.
- Emcee Joe Bevilacqua, FM program director at Clear Channel Entertainment
- Teri Smith, SSF vice president of development, points out those who made contributions to the event.
- Mitzi Townshend (left) and Nancy Alterman, of TriCuzz Productions